` Saan Mo Gagamitin Ang Oras Mo? ~ NOT AN EMPLOYEE ANYMORE! GOODBYE 8-5


Monday, March 7, 2016

Saan Mo Gagamitin Ang Oras Mo?


Employer/Businessman - People who buy time

Employee - People who sell time

Time is a special source that you cannot store or save for latter use.
Time not well used cannot be retrieve.
Time is not renewable

All of us only have 24 hours a day. Let's have a breakdown of time usage.

Up to 8 hours is spent in sleeping.
Up to 8 hours is spent in studying or working.
Up to 8 hours is spent in personal hygiene and activities (eating, bathing, playing, use of social media, travel time, watching TV/Movies, Party, etc.)

Sometimes, this is not allocated well. Why? because of what we called, "Overload" in work, school and other means.

90% of the people around the world are commonly associated with the word "Linear Income" (Income for selling/trading time). It means that the income/salary/wages is directly proportional to the time of work and it increases depending on the paid overtime hours rendered (why paid overtime? because some overtime are not paid which is simply referred as OTY, "Overtime - Thank you".
This is the reason why they can never have financial independence.
I have nothing against Linear Income from Employment. It is a respected form of earning a living which you could earn more and more if you spend lots of paid time in working. However, it has a limitation. Once you stop working, your income also stop.
We are not always as healthy, energetic and  young as before.

While another form of Income can help save our time and effort. It is the Residual Income or the Income of the Rich. Here, you can experience money working for you and not you working for money. However, This is not easy money at all. It will also require time, effort, hard work, money, patience but not for a very long period of time as Employment says work 8-5 until 65.

Once your business is ready, money will come along as Fast Money.

Most Common Sources of Residual Income:

1. Investors, Authors, Song writer, Artist which gain Royalties from their masterpiece.
2. Rental Income - Real States
3. Investment through time deposits, bonds, and equity.
4. And the business that most of the millionaires from different countries came is through Multi-level Marketing or Network Marketing (Referral Marketing).

Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trumph, Anthony Robbins are passionate advocate of Network Marketing.
It is proven as they said, "The richest people in the world build networks, everyone else looks for work".
Network Marketing (Referral Marketing) is about sharing of information and ideas which make lives better as it can change people's lives.
Network Marketing is also the best tool of having someone thousands of time in every single day. Why? because of the "Power of Leverage".

It can make someone rich. It is absolutely necessary to use leverage if you want to become wealthy. One with this power can save time, effort and money so that you can spend your valuable time in important activities and event of your life.



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